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The Court of Night-Blooming Flowers

Welcome to Mont Nuit!  Each of our Thirteen Houses has it's own area for you to discover and explore.  You'll find information about each House, their canons, and a complete list of their current members.  You'll also find information on how to Guest or become an Initiate of the House. 

Initiates are followers of Naamah seeking the House best suits them, and as such are not aligned with any one House.

Explore, discover, and be welcomed.  May Elua guide your steps among the Night Court as you sample the bountiful pleasures that await you.  By His command, love as thou wilt.

The Thirteen Houses:

¤ Alyssum ¤
House motto: "With eyes averted."

¤ Balm ¤
House motto: "Rest and be soothed."

¤ Bryony ¤
House motto: "Wealth seeks company."

¤ Camellia ¤
House motto: "Without fault or flaw."

¤ Cereus ¤
House motto: "All loveliness fades."

¤ Dahlia ¤
House motto: "Upright and unbending."

¤ Eglantine ¤
House motto: "To create is to live."

¤ Gentian ¤
House motto: "Truth and vision."

¤ Heliotrope ¤
House motto: "Thou, and no other."

¤ Jasmine ¤
House motto: "For pleasure's sake."

¤ Mandrake ¤
House motto: "Yield all."

¤ Orchis ¤
House motto: "Joy in laughter."

¤ Valerian ¤
House motto: "I yield."

To learn more about the history of the Night Court and why it exists, please see our library.

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Quotes from
the Kushiel saga:

Website by Xaviara de la Courcel