Join Us!

Our Terre d'Ange is a wonderful community to be a part of. Our forums are very active, our members all kindred spirits. Before joining, you will need to select a username. That name must meet certain guidelines. Those requirements can be found in the Terre D'Ange Doctrine.

If you are having difficulty coming up with a name, try searching online for a list of "Old Norman", French, or Gaelic names and meanings.

After joining, you will want to add an avatar image to your profile. The requirements for avatars can be found in the Terre D'Ange Doctrine. You can choose an image from our Avatar Gallery or use your own.

Most of our members display signatures in their posts. If you choose to add a signature to your profile, please review the image requirements in the Terre D'Ange Doctrine first.

If you are ready, click here to join our Terre d'Ange. (Look for the word "Register" under the rose in the top left corner.) Be welcomed!

In order to prevent spambots joining our forum, we employ an activation required system where each new membership must be activated by a forum administrator. If you have repeatedly tried to sign up for membership and keep getting refused, it could be that your internet access point is one routinely employed by spambots so you are getting refused. If you feel you are being wrongly denied, please email our Administrator proving to us you are not a spambot and we will happily assist you in joining our forum!

If any questions or issues should arrive during your sign-up process, please contact us.